Previous Engagements
Workshops, Conferences and Seminars.
Conference Presentations
2022 - Two oral presentations and two master classes at the online 1st Prenatal
Oct Sciences Global Congress: Prenatal Sciences, the Human-Earth Connection
and Life Sustainability, October
2022 – Oral presentation at the 4th International Childhood
Aug Trauma Conference in Melbourne, Australia
Supporting maternal mental health, mother-foetus relationship, and mother-
infant emotional availability through the practice of mindfulness. Can this
avert the intergenerational transmission of trauma and deprivation?
2021 - Oral presentation, at the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and
Nov Health (APPPAH) Online Congress The science and mystery of pregnancy
and birth: How they shape our minds, bodies, and societies, November, US
Cultivating a mindfulness-based parenting culture at times of adversity.
Why human connection from before birth matters
2021 - Oral presentation, Australasian Association of Family Therapy (AAFT)
Sept Conference, September
2021 - Oral presentation, Australasian Marcè Society for Perinatal Mental Health
Sept Online Conference New paradigms in parenting, perinatal mental
health and wellbeing, September, Sydney
- Cultivating a mindfulness relationship-based parenting culture at times of adversity.
Why human connection from before birth matters
2021 – Two oral presentations for the 17th Congress of the World
June Association of Infant Mental Health in Brisbane, Australia
'Integrating primal wisdom with modern science and practice as a global
strategy for mothers, infants, families and communities'
' A mindfulness relationship-based model to support maternal mental health
in pregnancy, maternal-foetal relationship and mother-infant relationship'
2020 – Keynote speaker – International Online Conference,
Nov ‘Birthing the New Humanity:
The Power to Create’, 20-29 November.
2020 - Key speaker – International Online Conference ‘Perinatal Health –
Sept Psychological, Social and Medical Approach 2020’, 25-26 September.
Romanian Maternology Association, International Society for Pre- and
Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM), Faculty of Psychology and
Education Sciences, University of Bucharest and Romanian Society of
A mindfulness relationship-based model to support maternal mental health,
mother-prenatal relationship and mother-infant relationship.
2019 – Oral presentation to the Australiasian Marce’ Society for Perinatal Mental
Oct Health in Perth, Western Australia.
Integrating primal wisdom with modern science and practice as a global
strategy for mothers, infants, families and communities.
2018 – Oral presentation to the Forging Families’ Parental Perinatal Mental Health
Conference, UK
The prenatal roots of mother-infant relationship and its impact on maternal
mental health, birth and infant development outcomes.
2018 – Oral presentation to All Indian Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Febr (AICOG 2018), India
The prenatal roots of mother-infant relationship and its impact on maternal
mental health, birth and infant development outcomes.
2015 – Oral presentation and workshop to the International Congress of the
Dec Association for Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health, Berkeley, California.
Gems of African wisdom from before conception through pregnancy, birth
and parenting.
2015 – Oral presentation to the Birth Light Conference, Cambridge, UK.
2014 - Poster presentation, 14th Congress of the World Association of Infant Mental
Health, Edinburgh, Scotland.
The missing link: a mindfulness-based program of prenatal and perinatal
2014 - Poster presentation to Optimising Childbirth Across Europe. An
Interdisciplinary Maternity Care Conference, Brussel
From mindless to mindful childbirth.
2013 - Oral presentation to the 25th International Conference of the International
Society of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM), Germany
Caesarean birth: Disruptive the human adaptive system. Insights for
2006 - Oral presentation to the joint Conference of The McCarrison Society for
Nutrition and Health, Institute of brain Chemistry & Human Nutrition,
International Society for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine
(ISPPM), Mother and Child Foundation. Generating Healthy Brains, London
Working with parents and infants: a mind-body integration approach.
2000 - Oral presentation to the 13th Official Congress of the International Society of
Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine (ISPPM). Prenatal Psychology:
Methodology in Research, Sardinia
The mother’s body image: Attitude to her bodily self and its relationship with
the foetus’ life.
2017 - Workshop How to Integrate Primal Wisdom with Science and Practice
Berlin, German
2016 - Workshop Nurtured Mothers, London
2015 - Workshop A Mindfulness Integrative Approach to Birth and Parenting during
APPPAH conference in Berkeley, CA
2016 - Presentation - Study Day on Perinatal Mental Health for Obstetrics Trainees
2001 – Series of presentations on Mothers and Babies’ Body Language at University
College of London